CK Worldwide Logistics LLC.
CK Worldwide Logistics LLC.

Office: 1.773.234.8630
About  CK Worldwide Logistics

CK Worldwide Logistics LLC, is based in Chicago, IL.
We provide , cost effective,  transportation logistic solutions.
Its our dedication to flawless execution!

For CK Worldwide, execution involves three distinct areas:

1.  A sense of urgency
2.  Attention to detail
3.  Follow-through

Sense of Urgency
We have diligently assembled a team that meets the standards CK Worldwide put in place in order to provide the highest measure of quality service.

Attention to Detail
Accuracy doesn't happen by accident.  It's a direct result of caring enough to carefully check our work...then double check it...and, if necessary, continue to check it..until it's right.  In other words: Whatever it takes!

Follow-through means seeing things through to completion and doing so on time.  We consider follow-through to be the most important aspect of a flawless execution.
The Founder and President, Ms. Brichetto, has been in the transportation business for over 25 years. In 1985 working for a transportation company she was promoted 5 times within the company and ranked in the top 10 of a 105 person sales department.  In the years following, she has been awarded numerous sales awards for her outstanding service and dedication.  In 2011, Ms. Brichetto started CK Worldwide Logistics, with recommendations from her best customers.
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